Electric Panel

Electrical Control Panels for all Application

Power Control Center

Power Control Centers are used for distribution and control of power with protection of power source and equipments from short circuit, overload, earth fault, under and/or over voltage etc. The fault levels areas as high as 50KA or 65KA for 1 second. The approriate bus bar system are incorporated to suit the fault level as well as to restrict temprerature rise above ambient

Motor Control Center

Motor Control Centers are used for connecting the individual motors for manually, remotely or automatically starting, stopping, selecting forward and reverse rotation, selecting and regulating the speed, regulating or limiting the torque and protecting against overload, single phasing, reverse phasing, phase imbalance, earth fault, under current, under/over voltage, lock rotor current, high winding temperature etc.

Auto Transformer Starters

Auto Transformer Starters are most popular electromechanical reduced voltage starting devices providing maximum starting torque and minimum starting current for induction motors. An induction motors draws 6 to 10 times of full load current if directly connected to power supply whereas with auto transformer starters the reduced volatage is applied to the motors results in lower current and high torque.

Auto Power Factor Correction Panel

Automatic Power Factor Correction Pane are installed to save energy by consistently maintaining higher power factor and also to curtail power factor penalty. Low power factor leads to poor power efficiency resulting in overloading of transformers, bus bars, switchgears, cables and otherdistribution devices.

Auto Mains Failure Panel

Auto mains failure panels are used to control start/stop of diesel generating sets in accordance with the availability of main power supply. The panels are manufactured for various capacities and different makes of diesel generating sets. These panels are incorporated with battery chargers and various protectionsfor diesel engines.

DG Synhronization Panel

DG synchronizing panel controls the functionality of a number of diesel generator sets. In Industries, more than one DG sets have to be used in parallel to share the total load on the system. To synchronize two or more diesel generator sets it is required to match all the parameters viz. voltage, frequency, speed, phase sequence and phase angle.


The programmable logic controller is the brain of PLC based panels. These panels are integral part of turnkey industrial automation projects as well as find wide application in standalone control systems and complex processes and production operations. The PLC Panels are used with integration of instruments and devices viz VFD, PID Controllers. HMI, Servo Controllers, Digital meters, indicators etc.

Cable Tray

The reliable, adoptable, maintenance friendly and inherent safe cable tray management system provide excellent ventilation enhancing cable life. The cable tray wiring systems offer significant advantages over conduit pipe and other wiring systems and are less expensive, lower engineering and maintenance cost, ease of installations, less need to reconfigure systems, fewer environmental problems etc.